I'm Taking a Fandom Break and Have More Spotify Playlists Then Ever

     So yar. Ooooh. You don't know what "yar" means yet. Don't worry. We'll get to that in a sec

    So yeah though. I'm taking a fandom break. No Hamilton, no *tear* Charlie Puth. Yes this is very sad and hard for me. 

    I'll explain: So a couple of... I guess it'd be weeks ago, God spoke to me. Very cool indeed. And He told me to take a break from my fandoms and I think I know why. 

I'm a fandom girl.

I love them.

I get overly obsessed.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

    God believed (as do I) that I was getting overly obsessed with my fandoms and starting to lose sight in Him. And I think I was. So I buckled up to the task and at first it wasn't that hard. But now it's starting to get to me. Charlie will come on in my playlists and I have to SKIP HIS SONGS WHAT?!! It's not fun. 

    But I know I'm doing it for good (vury good) reasons so I'm chill. 

    Now I bet you're all still pretty confused on what "yar" is? Well I'm sure you can imagine I've had lots of free time? Well bored time. (I did discover a new artist though it is not an obsession just a like. Please check out Conan Gray on Spotify or whatever music app you use. His song People Watching is my theme right now so if you want to know more about me listen to it!) My free time has lead to this very conclusion.

I invented my own language.

    Now I'm sure you're all thinking, "Back the T-Rex up a bit will ya!. . . . . . what secret language teach it too us nooOOOWww."



    Why not.

    I will be patient.

    I have added "r" or "d" to all my or most my words. So if you were texting or talking with me you may here some distorted versions of speech. Well now, you lucky ducklings, (I bet that made you guys cringe huh....."YES!") here is Leona's Key to Distorted Talking! ENJOY.

Yar = Yeah

R = Oh

Nar = No

Yarse = Yes

Dark Nar = Thank You (yes no and you are the same but tip: when speaking in Leonian when saying thank you specifically it will be pronounced Dark Nar and no and you will be the same. But when in a normal sentence and saying you on its own it will be pronounced normally)

Dey = The

Sar = So (this is used rarely)

    That's about all I gots for you! Look most of this I came up with randomly when talking once ok. Though it has become my vocal pattern. So if I realize I missed a word or add new ones, I do a whole other post on it okie? Oh yeah "okie" is a thing now to. It-It means "ok". 

    That's all I have for you in general. Though wait. I didn't mention. How'd I forget. Yeah I have way too many Spotify playlists. I know you guys probably want to know them all and demand answer right now. Well Ha! You just gave me another post topic for ANOTHER TIME so THERE! 

    Sorry I don't know why I'm getting so dramatic. 

    God Bless, Byii

Peace Out Nerds


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