
     I would say I'm fine, and that would be true. But I could also say I'm not fine. That would also be true. 

    July eighth was my best friend's birthdays. Yes birthdays, they are twins. Paisley has a blog and I read it often and when I did last, I saw a post about her birthday party. It was an epic prom party which I will gladly say I helped them come up with. 

    Anyways, when I saw all the pictures, I missed them more than ever and it made me remember how much I miss them. 

    Missing your friends is hard, so I just want to talk about a couple ways to get through it, then I want to talk about my friends and why I love them both so much. 

    How to get through missing your friends: I start by thinking about my other friends. I know that sounds cruel and kinda off topic, but it helps. I started missing my friends when my family moved away, so yes, I was able to make new friends... but no, they are not Paisley and Della. 

    When I am really missing them, I think about all the amazing things I get to experience at my new house. (I live on a farm, and I love all the animals we have) I think about the twins a lot yes, but thinking about my amazing new friends, it helps.

    When I am missing Iowa, I think about Tennessee and I realize, would I really trade everything I have here, my cat, my dog, my chickens, my goats, my land, my friends, would I trade it all? No. I love where I live, and my friends here are amazing in every way. 

Libby: She was my first friend when we moved here and is reading this blog so I won't say anything that might embarrass her. She is funny and kind and hates my brother for some strange reason.

Chloe: One of my closet friends here. She is amazing at drawing, and I learn so much from her about it. She is also an equal fan to the book series Wings of Fire. We both love it. 

Toby: He is my neighbor. He's nice but has a tendency to blow things up and do all sorts of unsafe Toby-like things. He's alright though. 

    Those are my friends here but let's talk about the ones I left behind. 

Paisley: Paisley is everything at once. She is crazy and kind. Selfish yet giving (k not selfish) She is the best friend I have ever had for she is me.

Della: Shy but she has a dark side. That means she will do anything to protect and defend her friends and I love her for it more then she knows. She is the most loyal friend I have ever had and will stand by when I'm sad or hurting. She will stand with me until I'm ok and she has proven that many times over. 

    There is no favorite between the two of them. They are both simply mine. My soul sisters. 

    Oh! And I nearly forgot Kendall! How rude of me!!!

Kendall: Kendall is the twin's cousin who I became close friends with while I was visiting with Paisley and Della. Kendall may be the most sweet, positive, supportive person I have ever met. I don't know how she can be all those things at once, but she is. She is always positive, and she is always kind. I miss her to.

    I hope you all appreciate this post and I would just like to add... Love your friends. You may not realize how special they are until you don't see them as much as you used to.

God Bless, Byii


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