About My Book


This, is the cover for my book Element Fire. The first book in a series I hope to start, and finish, called The Element Series. The book idea is mine, even though the name you see is not. Margret L. Clay is just my pen name. And fun fact: If you did not know this, Mark Twain was a pen name also. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. 

For all the writers out there, you know finishing one book can be hard. Now imagine me, a thirteen-year-old girl, trying to write a whole book series, preferably before I go to veterinary college! Yeah, I know. It's a lot.

Writing has been a big part of me my whole life. Starting with me writing silly poems that often didn't even rhyme. 

When I was learning to read (which as a writer I know that reading other books has helped me be better in my own writing) I HATED it. I thought it was awful and boring and I didn't think it was an important thing to learn. But now, I am a HUGE reader and I love it more than life. So there.

    I think it's time I got back on track. I have always written books, well like I said I really started with poetry, but then I started to write some small stories, not all of which I showed everyone. I would often get ideas for stories in my head, but I just didn't feel like writing them. Until I met my best friend Paisley. She was already writing and when she started her new book, I thought I should start mine. Now I was only eight at the time but still, hence came the first Element Fire.

    The idea for this book series has been in my mind for ages and I couldn't wait to get started as a little girl. Though I do not regret writing that first book, looking back and reading it, it truly is a child's work. Though it is a steppingstone and an outline for the newer version of the book I am writing currently which is the cover you see in front of you. 

    About the book: The story was originally inspired by a game I played with my friend Paisley. It first starts in an orphanage and, all the first characters are, of course, orphans. Quickly though the children decide to escape the dreadful place and run away into the wild where the learn they have powers. Most of the gifts are element related, but not all of them. I plan for the book to have at least fifteen in the series. Though some of them may be prolog books about the earlier characters we don't get to meet in the actual series. 

    I plan to share with you all a picture of the next books covers and talk about it every time I finish one book. I hope you all like my posts about writing, there will be many of them. And for my sake, I hope you will one day see an Element book on the shelf in a bookstore.

God Bless, Byii


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