Element Just Got Lit

     As you all may know, in my last post (which was a while ago I am eternally sorry) I said I would do a post of local (as in my friend's) fan art and/or a post on the true meaning of Christmas. Weeeeeeelllllllll, time slipped my mind and before I knew it Christmas was over and gone. So we'll just chuck away that idea to then next year bucket. 

    As for the fan art? Well I just don't have enough collected yet, but that post is coming. 

    So, I'm sure you've read the title and are trying to figure out what this post is about? Well remember when I told you guys I was writing a book? Well-So-Yeah I'm up to 255 pages and am almost done!!!

    I'm at a very important climax scene and cannot wait for it to be over because then there's only one more little adventure before the whole book is finished! (EEEK. Yay) 

    As I was typing furiously at my computer, I realized I didn't have enough world building done to actually make that super cool climax scene awesome and super cool. So I closed the computer and started world building. That consisted of coming up with the High Dragon elements, drawing their throne room, coming up with nine super scary super difficult tests that my characters have to walk through and complete before they get to the dragons, and then of course, come up with and name the dragons themselves. So now I'm just gonna show you pictures of them!

    I will not be telling you about the tests except for one because when I finish the book, I don't want spoilers. 

    Ok so first thing we're gonna cover is this: The High Dragon Throne Room. 


 Yeah. That's my dragon throne room. Throne room of the High dragons. The oldest of them all, Fire, his name Phyron, is the oldest and the only one born without a sibling so he was ranked first and king. Then he ranked the others based on their helpfulness and ability to assist in their little council. Here is the order:














    Cool right?!!! 😀😀😀

    Ok so next are the dragons themselves, shown in the same order as above. Have fun!!!

These are both Truth but a transformation at the end of the series changes her colors from white and gold to white and gold and purple.

    Ok. Well aren't they just all so pretty!!!??? 

    Last but not least we have a picture of test 9 just so you guys can get an idea of what it's gonna be like. 

    Alright guys. This is a long one do to the pictures, but finally *deep breath* we are done. 

    God Bless, Byii

    P.S, read Element Fire when it gets published (?🤞)


  1. Eeeek!!! I can't wait to read it - you're almost done!!!!

  2. And oh yeah guys, good luck guessing which dragon is who!!! good 🤞


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