KOTLC (memes!) - Reprise

     So, I know. To reprise posts in one day!? You're really outdoing yourself Leo. 

    Oh stop it your too kind

    Leo, Leo, Leo

    Stop stop. Your making me blush

    Leo is the best, Leo is the best. 

    I guess I am

    We love her, we love her

    *you all continue to clap*

    *I continue to blush*

    The truth is guys, I just really love blogging. I love writing in general, but blogging is just awesome. So, the other day, Paisley (you should really know who she is by now. If you don't... read my blog posts, "Alone", "My Beautiful Friend", and "A Supportive Friend") Anywho, she sent me another amazing batch of KOTLC, (keeper of the lost cities) and I love them to death. So as soon as I read them, I was like, "I have to put these on my blog. They are tooo precious!" So here we are. And really, if you don't know what Keeper of the Lost Cities is, pleeeease read it. It really is amazing. And if you haven't yet, but in three years you do, look at these memes again you will laugh your head off. 

    I guess though, that really means this is for you Pais. Let's go:

    It may not have been as many as last time, but they truly are funny. I hope you guys laughed. You don't even need context for some of them to be awesome. 

God Bless, Byii 


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