Hamilton Bruhs

You guys all know a lot about me. I love Charlie Puth, I love Keeper of the Lost Cities, I love to write, I love to draw -I may have to clarify more on that one-, I love Hamilton. Oh! That's why we're here. You don't know about Hamilton yet. Prepare for more addiction torture >:] Let me start by saying, Linh Manuel Miranda, I am truly sorry I didn't spread you stroke of genius sooner. So... Linh Manuel Miranda kinda wrote the musical. It's a big deal. He also plays Alexander Hamilton and, if you don't know, allow me please explain a bit about the musical and what makes it great. "Hamilton" is about one of our founding fathers. He invented pretty much the entire banking system and fought in the revolutionary war and was like BFFs with George Washington. During the war Hamilton handled "George's Journal" (that's a quote from the play) which kinda sounds like he handled Washington's checkbook...