My Favorite Idiots ♥ ♥ ♥

     So imma warn you in advance, this will be a short one. I just wanted to quickly talk about a little friend group of mine knowns as the goose gang or... MY FAVORITE IDIOTS! (I know it sounds mean, but we love each other) 

    Sooo, I just wanted to say I appreciate you guys. 

    -A glass to the idiots in the room- 

    This is one of my most favorite pictures ever drawn by my friend Chloe. And it paints a great picture of me, her, and Toby. 

    There. The Goose Gang. *lowers her voice* I'm the one with red hair. 

    So yeah, I know this has been a short one but at the same time it was necessary. I love yall!💚💙💖

    God Bless, Byii


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