KOTLC (memes!)

     Soooo, I know guys. I just blogged about KOTLC (keeper of the lost cities) and you're probably sick of it! Well, a couple days ago my friend Paisley sent me some killer KOTLC memes that I just had to share with you guys.

    I understand that you may not know who all these characters are, but I'm going to tell you now to just pretend you do. That will make this whole experience that much better. Another quick note from your meme provider yours truly. All the quotes spoken by our KOTLC characters in these memes are 100% things the characters would say in the books. So, use that connection to get to know the book and its awesome characters even better! 

P.S, though still just read the books guys. Please. 

P.P.S, if you see one of those memes that's just the quotes and no pictures, if you want to get a visual of what that character looks like, maybe try reading my post before this one again. Or! If you're new (for one, Welcome!) but seriously, just read the post before this and it will help you understand these memes better! K thank you!

    HERE WE GO!     

Ok so for your sake, I have to leave a note here. Tam is Linh's twin brother, and if you already knew that great! But if you didn't here: Tam would do anything to protect his sister and her feelings, so this meme is pretty much: Linh made food. Gross food. No one wanted to eat Linh's gross food. Tam made them to spare his sister's feelings.

    That's all I have guys! I hope you laughed as hard as I did when I read these. (especially the one where Dex fell of the motorcycle) 
    God Bless, Byii


  1. P.S, guys I did not intend for Pam to be the cover of this meme, but I have to say. That made me happy ^w^

  2. I've seen the office, just confused. :)

    1. Then how did you not know who Pam was??? question mark questio mark question mark

  3. I thought you were talking about Tam, (Kotlc) and i didn't see him on the cover, also, please write more.

  4. write more or you will never here the end of how you called me your friend. JUST A FRIEND?? I THOUGHT WE WERE BESTIESSSSS


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