The Hospital (boo, hiss)

     So... hey guys. What's up? OK fine. I'll quit stalling! The truth is, I haven't had anything to blog about lately so I'm just gonna stick with something random. Well, I guess it's not that random. It just happened a while ago. 

    *inhales* OK. A couple of - months maybe- ago, ok pretty sure it wasn't multiple months, just a while. You get the idea. Well, I was in the hospital for an unknown heart problem. I know right!? It's absolutely terrifying! Apparently in the end it had something to do with lack of sleep and extra adrenaline, but when I was in the hospital COMPLETELY UNSURE OF THE SITUATION, it was terrible. 

    I remember the day pretty clearly. (I know I don't have pictures this time guys bear with me😭) I was woken up by my mother, probably around 6:30am, and we sat on the couch and read, I don't remember that part very well because I WAS SO FREAKIN TIRED! Which was weird because I got really good sleep that night. Any who. After reading I did my animal chores, and just walking back from the chicken coop back to the house was exhausting! I then did my morning routine, and felt like putting on really comfortable lazy, no good-looking clothes. I pride myself on my appearance. *smirks* Then I did school. I started with math, and I just couldn't do it! My brain felt broken. Like, broken broken. I couldn't think. And I could hardly stay awake. And on top of all that, I just felt weird.

(Now the thing for you to understand is that when I say I felt weird, I mean I felt weird. My stomach didn't hurt or anything, but my head felt strange, and my chest felt strange, I was sooooooo tired and my brain wasn't working. I had to lay down.)

    After eating breakfast, I found myself lying on the table, head on my arms, arms on the table. Mom asked is something was wrong, and I said I felt weird and... really really tired. She sent me to bed where I slept for another HOUR AND A HALF! After sleeping GREAT last night. It was weird right? After waking up, I checked my heart rate on my watch. IT WAS LIKE ONE-HUNDRED AND THIRTY!!! That's tooo high. I then called my friend Paisley, and she could tell something was wrong Over. The. Phone. That's saying something. My mom had already set up an appointment with the local doctor when Paisley called. We probably talked an hour. And I just got worse and worse.

    By the time we got to the tiny little doctor, I could barely walk, and I didn't want to. Just waiting there, I felt like crud, and it really sucked. They called me in and checked my heart rate... THEY SAID IT WAS IN THE TWO HUNDREDS! They immediately told us to go to Vanderbilt Childrens and we did. They wheeled me out of their facility and that was kinda fun but not worth the pain. 

    We got to the doctor and my dad was there. I only wanted my dad at this point who was (and still is) a PA. My mom ended up having to leave. My brother was at a friend's, my sister stayed with mom. The doctor did all kinds of tests, drew blood and other things I don't want to repeat. *shudder* Well at this point I had no idea if I was going to spend the night there or not. My heart rate hadn't changed, I wasn't hungry at least. In the end they decided I was to spend the night. But getting a room ready was a long process. They had a TV for me, but the movies weren't the best of options. At least they kept me entertained. 

    THEN! The room was finally ready! They got to wheel me up in the elevator on a big hospital bed. The room was soooo much better and more comfortable...... *sighs wistfully* 

    The next day was kinda awesome. I was still at the hospital all day... but I had visitors! My aunt came and She. Was. The. Best! Like... the best ever. The hospital gave me some stuffed animals under the names of Dryskin and Spunky Crackers. I know laugh if you want it's funny! 

    When the finally said I could go home, it was just me and my mom who had found a way to get there earlier that day. We ordered one cheese pizza, and I ate... one and a half pieces? My appetite still wasn't that big. That night in my own bed, I discovered my new favorite show. Freaks and Geeks. Watch it guys! It's great. Though not for ages twelve and younger. Sorry guys but.... that sucks for you! HA! Just kidding don't take me seriously. 

Well, that's my "interesting" post for today. I know it's random. And also, please remember. That all happened a while ago. I. Am. Fine. 

K, Love you all! 

God Bless, Byii

P.S, did you really think I'd leave you guys without a picture? You know me better than that! Though it is random... enjoy anyway!πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

(me and my baby... when he was actually a baby 😻)


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