Element Fire (sneak-peak)

Ok sooooo, I am a writer, a song writer, a story writer, a story writer. You get the idea. Well, I've been working on this book series called Element, and I'm almost done with the first book! Element fire! I know you guys have already seen the cover but here it is again... the reason? I am about to let you all read the first chapter of my book! I hope you all like it. Let's dive in! 1 Running the Other Way I sit up, sweat drenching my head. The bed I’m in is cold but my body could not be more hot. I reach for the glass of water that’s always by my bed on my bedside table and take one gulp before it’s all gone and I set it back down. Both my bed and the table look exactly like the fourteen other beds and tables that surround me. All with brass bars that make up the bed frame, and thin, creaky, wooden boards that hold the thin, pokey, straw mattress from falling to the floor. And all the tables are made of the same oak (possibly the same tree) that always hold...