The Start of an Album

     Hello all! I truly am sorry that is has been so long sense I posted, but life has been rather boring. But today, finally(!), I was inspired to write about something that has taken my full attention recently.

My music

    I have constantly been writing songs and thinking about writing my own album and starting my own musical career like my dad. So, I started. I have started writing my album and am thinking of names and in the end, I am thinking about calling it "The Fellowship"

Although the album is not finished, here is the list of songs I have on it currently:

1. Before You go                               

2. Attractive Boy                                  

3. Our Love Was Blind                    

4. Shades of Orange                

5. Why'd He Have to Be So Perfect                                        

6. How Far Does the Sea Go                                             

7. Give the Sun a Chance.                        

8. Cold Blood                                              

9. More Than a Friend                                                                 

10. If There is More Let There Be More                                                           

11. Stop Girl                                                           

12. Favorite Things                            

13. Fate                                       

14. Oh I'm Gonna

Yes, this is a lot, and yes there will be more. 

    I am really exited for my music to take off, and I hope you will all be exited with me. Here is a sneak peek of what my album cover may end up looking like:

    Thank you all,

God Bless, Byii ^w^


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