My Jesus, Your Jesus, Our Jesus ➕


    This, is Jesus. I, am Christian. If you don't know what that is, allow me to tell you. Christianity is the belief that there is only one God, and that he created the Earth and all the animals and People that live on it. It's the belief that God gave his one and only son Jesus to go on Earth to die for our sins, saving us from Satan or, as you will most likely know him as, The Devil. 

    This Blog post is not trying to tell you that what you believe in is wrong, or that if you don't believe in Jesus you are going to die, or even trying to make you Christain, it's simply me blogging about my beliefs and my life as a Christian. My experience with Jesus. And if you are not Christian or don't want to be, stop reading. I'm not going to insist you read what you don't want to. And although it would be amazing if you thought this inspiring and wanted to be Christian, I believe that to truly help someone in the way you believe as helpful, you just have to love them no madder what the believe in. Love them like Jesus does. 

    That picture shows Jesus reaching out his hand and turning his head towards us. It symbolizes that Jesus will always be there reaching for you to follow him. 

    The picture above has the same meaning as the picture I showed you in the beginning. The writing on it is a Bible verse. Revelation 3:20. Allow me to share with you a couple of Bible verses before I start talking about my experience with Jesus. These are ones I found inspiring so here they are:

    I know, that that's a lot to process, so while you think about that I'm writing about MY live with Jesus, and I know some of you might relate to this. Here it is. 

    For the longest time, I did not take faith seriously. I went to church sometimes, but not all the time. It was mor of a thing my family didn't really think of as priority. My dad was raised Catholic, and Catholics can be strict so my dad's thought may have been getting as far away from that as possible or, I don't want my kids to have to do what I did. Then suddenly, something changed. I'm not sure what it was but Dad just wanted to go to church. We moved to Iowa, and I think that's when we started trying to go. But still throughout our three years there, it still wasn't top priority, so it felt. Then we moved back, to Tennessee and everything changed, even more. We were trying really hard to find a church, and we found one. A great one. Church of the City Nashville. We still go there most days. I mean on the days I don't I just don't want to leave the house. We kept going there and I got baptized there. My whole family did on the same day to. That's when I really felt Jesus take control of my life. But like faith will do, it fades in and out sometimes. I got less "into it" I guess. Then we went to camp and I got into it again. I started reading my Bible. Then I stopped again. I think maybe it was my dad, maybe it was my friends, but one night I just decided, "I am going to read the Bible." and I kept doing it. Every night I read my Bible and I love it. Now there are still times when I don't feel close to Jesus or like he is really in my life right now, but he is always there working on us and shaping us in his image like God did when he made the world. 

    Humanity was made in the image of God. And that image fell apart. But God didn't give up on us and thank him that he didn't! He sent his one and only son Jesus to come to Earth merely to die. But it was more than dying. It was dying and coming back to life, DYING, and taking all of humanity's sin, and relieving us of our burden. He saved us. And then the best part is, three days later, he came back to life. Jesus rose from the dead and promised that he would come back to Earth one day.

Allow me to pray for you all. 

Dear God,
Today I am blogging about you, and I want to pray now for all the people who are reading this. I know most of you are my friends, right now I think all of you are. But if I don't know you, and if you don't know me, then I pray that one day I will know you, and you will know me. I pray that if you don't know the Lord, that you will find him, and you will hear the faint knocking of Jesus on your door.  I pray for health and your happiness. May your life be a good one. Fell free to say the end with me, you all know the saying, 
In Jesus name we pray, Amen

God Bless, Byii


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