If you read my first post you will know I have a little brother named Lincoln. Now despite being a very strange kid, he has his strengths. One of them, is game making. Lincoln is great at coming up with games of all sorts. His most popular so far is called Farm Game. It is a game where you develop a farm by building a character on paper, staring with a certain amount of money, and seeing if you are a successful farmer, or not. 

    He has been able to come up with three versions of it so far. Farm Game one, Farm Game two which is like DnD, and Farm Game Three or Farm Game: Capture The Flag. 

    Although I only know how the first two work, and have only played the first two, here are some pictures I took of my brother playing the third one with his friends. 

    Yes, truly I know nothing about this game, but I know it involves some kind of complex map, dice, and surviving in the wild all in a complicated way. My brother is just that complex. Anyways guys, here's the map:

    Now that I'm in the talking about Lincoln mood, I want to talk about what he does for fun.

Lincoln's hobbies: 

1. Drawing maps, Lincoln used to be really into drawing maps and now he's really good at it. He doesn't draw them all the time anymore, but he still loves it.

2. D&D, my brother loves D&D like soooooooo much. He is currently running a D&D campaign at a local shop in our town called Dungeons and Dragonflies. It is an awesome store, and before Lincoln worked there, he was one of their best customers. 

3. Reading, Lincoln loves reading, and I know this is a strange sentence, but he is really good at it. I guess I just mean he reads fast and gets it done if you know what I mean.

4. Jiu-Jitsu, my brother is really into his martial arts and is really good at it! He is currently a grey-black belt 

    Well that's my brother for you. I'm really proud of him as a person and I hope he's proud of me even if he acts like he hates me (I mean what brother doesn't) 

God Bless, Byii 😉


  1. i never thought I'd see the day that you blog about Lincoln. Never.

    1. Well, I did because I had nothing else to blog about. Life gets boring


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