My First Post

    Sooo this is my first post; time of judgement starts now. After this, no judgy judgy! My name is Leona James. I was named after my great grandmother who I sadly never got to meet. 
My parents met at a concert and I'm not even joking it was love at first sight! 
My dad is a musician and the lead singer in The New Whole Usuals. They are on Spotify and really good. LISTEN TO THEM!    
My mom is an artist and NOT a singer. Don't take it personally mom, I still love you. 
I have to siblings Lincoln and Ella. I am the oldest at thirteen.
I live on a small farm in Tennessee and have two goats, twenty chickens (At least) and four cats. Oh and one dog Plato. 
Now about my blog. I plan to just write about my life. What good things happen; what bad things happen. Exiting moments! I plan to write about the farm, when we get new animals, when we lose animals. 
But I also plan to write about writing. I am a writer. I am currently working on my own series called Element. I love to write poetry and of course books. I am a nerd when it comes to fantasy, and dragons especially! 
I love music so I plan to write about the artists I like. When they come out with new songs, when I hear some old ones. I also write music, so you might get a chance to hear some of my own songs! 
I hope you will love my blog as much as I do because I tend to put my heart and soul into it. I take my writing very seriously. No pressure. 
Byii, thank you.
-Leona James :)

(Me and my bestie being Besties)
(I am peaceful, you are evil, under the stars, I feel feeble)


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