Giving a Dog a Bath


Just yesterday, me and my friend gave her dog a bath. Let me tell you now he is not as sweet as he looks in this photo. Ok well like every dog, he hates baths so I'm not really blaming him. It started fine. Just us dragging him upstairs and into the bathroom. Then we take his collar off because we just have to. But then we turn the water on, and Remi does not like it at all! He just looks miserable. Like super depressed. And also really adorable! I mean look at that face! 

For the first couple seconds it was fine. Then I accidentally taught him that he could get out of the bath if he wanted to. Yeah, don't call to a dog in a bath. The result is them jumping out.

So yeah, now I'm soaked, and I had places to go that day and not many clothes. It was fine though! Right? Yeah it was fine. 

    Well because he was so cute and this was the only way to get adorable pictures, I run downstairs to get their mom's phone to take this adorable picture. 

    When I do that I make Remi look at me again. And AGAIN, he jumps out of the bath. Ok so now you know this was torture to me. But still, was it though? 

    As soon as I possibly can, I want to become a veterinarian, which means I'll be grooming dogs, cutting them open (if necessary) and forcing disgusting medicine down their throats. And of course, I'll be working on other animals too because I mean all animals are amazing even if dogs are my all-time favorite. But the point is, even if giving this dog a bath was in some ways a total disaster, (except for the fact the dog got a bath) I love it always. 

    Take care of your animals yall! If you have them. And if your now curious, yes, I come from Nashville. 



  1. This is so funny, Leo - I'm glad you know your passion and love animals. I know we have some in this house that could desperately use a bath. Only one of them is a dog though 🙃

    1. Well if you let me bath him inside, then I can do that as soon as I get home!


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