A love for Dragons


I think it's time I start talking a bit about myself. How do I start? Um duh! I. LOVE. DRAGONS! Dragons are my favorite thing in the whole world besides my family and my faith. I love them sooo much and think they are amazing and mystifying. 

There are so many reasons to love dragons. But I just love them so much sometimes it's hard to think about why I love them.

I guess one of the reasons I love dragons is because no matter what book you read or what drawings you see, dragons can always be exactly how you want them. 

I love to read fantasy books. But I especially love to read ones about dragons. This drawing is my version of a dragon named Glory from the book series I love, Wings of Fire. 

Wings of Fire is a book all about dragons. The whole story is set from the perspective of dragons. There are fifteen books and I love all of them. 

    I draw all sorts of kinds of dragons, but I found out I love to draw them when I was making a gift for my friend. It involved me drawing a NightWing. A dragon tribe from Wings of Fire, and while I was drawing it, I was thinking, "Hey, this is kind of fun. I should draw dragons more!" So I did. 

    I started drawing dragons by looking at pictures of them from my books. Then I started drawing them on my own, and eventually I started a group on Facebook called "Dragon Art" where people share their own dragon drawings and where I sometimes sell my own.

    If you are a dragon lover, go check out my group on Facebook! There are many other dragon art groups, but mine is the one whose logo is a green dragon with black wings. 

    I have one more thing to say before I end this blog post. Don't let other people tell you what your dragons should look like. And if you're a writer like me, and less of a drawer, (though I also draw a lot) then don't let people tell you what your dragons should be like in your books. A long time ago someone might have had an idea for dragons, but they have evolved into anything anyone wants them to be. So don't let people tell you what your dragons should look like, or how your dragons should be. Just do it your own way! This goes for anything you're drawing or writing. And I'm not saying don't be influenced or inspired by other people. I got good at drawing by copying other people's styles before I found my own! I'm saying be you no matter what, and don't let people tell you what the real YOU is. Be yourself, and grow in your own ideas. 

God Bless, Byii 🐉🐲🐉🐲🐉🐲


  1. This is a great post, Leo! It's fun to get your perspective and hear more about you and DRAGONS! Your love for dragons has helped me appreciate how fun and imaginative they can be.


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