A Long Ride Home


Just yesterday, me and my brother's two weeklong trip to Iowa ended, and the long ten-hour journey back home started.

The trip was divided. My friend's mother would take us five hours of the way (all of which was spent watching the show "Jessie") and then we would meet up with our dad who would take us the other five hours. 

Our meeting place was an amazing restaurant which served overly large milkshakes. I should know, I nearly threw up over one.

    After finishing our drinks, we waited outside for my dad. We waited about fifteen minutes. When he got there, we said out goodbyes to our friends and headed on our way. After my dad got a burger at the restaurant, which I was just in. 

    The drive started off nice, with me and dad laughing at my brother Lincoln's stupid jokes. After that fun was done, I shared with my dad the songs I had wrote while on my vacation. 

    This picture of me was taken when only the last bit of our trip remained. Me and my brother both couldn't wait to get home and see our... dog! Oh, and our mom. I'm just kidding we definitely wanted to see our mom more... No we did I promise! 

    We were tired when we got home. We had dinner and cupcakes for dinner. And then we talked and got ready for bed. I think we all slept well. I know I did.

God Bless, Byii


  1. I love the picture!! What kind of milkshake did you get?

    1. I got a um... a chocolate vanilla one with some cake on it

  2. Oh, and I'm glad you were excited to see me. I couldn't barely wait. But Plato was equally excited!!


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