Meme's of My Own Design #smugface

Hi guys. I know. It's been forever. Well I'm back! It's been busy! Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄🎄 So if you don't remember, my last post was about Hamilton. Well recently, I've been working on some of my own little Hamilton memes. So here we go! Did you like it? Did you like that? Ok well that's all of my memes. (for now) *evil laugh* Well I know this is short but I have a time limit of two minutes so forgive me and know I'll be back. Let me just close with some memes I found but did not make. And then of course we just need a couple embarrassing pictures of the actors! I hope you all enjoyed this trailer of my average post but Merry Christmas! Next expect a post about the true meaning of Christmas, and some local fan art from all my favorite fandoms! God Bless, Byii :)